User Management

Secure Identity Management for Modern Applications

Our User service is a comprehensive identity management solution meticulously crafted to efficiently handle authentication and authorization processes. At its core, this service leverages the power of ORY Identity Provider, a cutting-edge, web-scale API renowned for its robust identity and access control capabilities.

Core Functions and Features

Effortlessly integrate with major Single Sign-On platforms like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and GitHub.
Trust Ory solutions for storing data securely, vetted by numerous contributors and security experts.
Escape vendor lock-in; embrace cloud-native infrastructure with a track record in tens of thousands of production deployments.
Choose our User service for a reliable, secure, and flexible identity management solution that not only simplifies authentication and authorization but also enhances user engagement through seamless integration with major SSO providers.
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Optimizing Investment Profile Management

Its additional functionality sets our User service apart: providing a dedicated API for managing user investment profiles. This feature is specifically designed to streamline the user profile management process, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for your users.

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