Iryna Maksymova

Favorite Tags:
OnboardingInterview ProcessMentoringMVPLong-Running ProductsDevelopment ProcessAssuranceQualityQARemote WorkSuccess CommunicationMeetingsProject ManagementProduct DevelopmentCreation ProcessEffective Team
  • 6 keys for an effective onboarding in small distributive team

    How to build effective onboarding in terms of remote culture, rapid team growing and changing without the ability to delegate to personal onboarding buddies?

  • 4 mistakes in scaling long-running product and how to fix them

    Our experience with building and delivering new core functionality into long-running products.

  • 6 top soft skills for QA

    Not all skills needed to be a good QA are technical. In the long run, the lack of so-called “soft” skills costs the team in general and QA engineer in particular more expensive than the lack of technical knowledges.

  • How to encourage your team to participate in meetings

    Our expirience with building effective and clear communication.

  • How to develop new functionality with maximum benefit for a product?

    The main stakeholders for any functionality being developed are the business side (or product owner), UX designer developer, and QA engineer. These 4 sides represent the point of view of what the system should do, how it should look, what can and can not be implemented, and what may go wrong or be missed.

  • Speaking from mixing roles experience

    Not the “best practice” like combining of several roles in the single one person could be very effective for a small team where extra team-member adding may leads to misunderstanding and loss of information.

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