Vuejs 2

May 2020
May 04, 2020

Google maps as background for SVG map

Imagine that we want to show USA with a beautiful background of the oceans and neighboring continents. All we need are just find a picture, set as background, and done. It seems that everything is beautiful and we do not need Google maps, but there is a big BUT, there is a responsive layout

Google maps as background for SVG map
May 2020
May 01, 2020

Setup prerender on webpack with prerender-spa-plugin, Part 2

Let say we have pages, which are not in the prerender routes list for some reason. For example, pages which are visible only for logged in users or ones that are not needed for crawlers, etc. For those pages, the server will return the prerender file for the home page, which is not good. We need to return the initial HTML file which is generated during the webpack build for such pages.

Setup prerender on webpack with prerender-spa-plugin, Part 2
Apr 2020
Apr 30, 2020

Setup prerender on webpack with prerender-spa-plugin, Part 1

During developing SPA (Single Page Application) we met with a common SPA problem: although google crawler uses the last Chromium version to run JS and indexing results as HTML pages (it’s not so easy to make it work and there is still the Fix Search-related JavaScript problems list), but for other search systems and sharing in social networks SPA doesn’t work. They will get the default index.html with the default title, description, etc for all pages.

Setup prerender on webpack with prerender-spa-plugin, Part 1
Apr 2020
Apr 27, 2020

Smooth links transitions on dynamic content in Vuejs Application

Usually links inside Vue.js app handle by vue-router and router-link component. It makes a transition between routes without reloading page. The smooth and slick user interface is one of the advantages of Single Page Applications. In the case with CMS content, links are inside content and can’t be processing separately but inserting as one HTML part with `v-html` directive. Such links on click will reload page even if they follow the same app page.

Smooth links transitions on dynamic content in Vuejs Application
Jan 2020
Jan 19, 2020

Building An SVG Map With Vue.js

This article provides a simple example of using Vue.js to work with SVG graphics.

Building An SVG Map With Vue.js
Feb 2018
Feb 27, 2018

Vue.js and TypeScript Problems Collection

I believe that TypeScript will give you a lot of advantages and if you will invest some time in learning, it will definitely give you outcomes in future. So I decided to migrate small Vue.js 2 application on TypeScript. At first, I wasn't prepared to fac

Vue.js and TypeScript Problems Collection