
VCardCheckmarked Component


The VCardCheckmarked component displays a card or list-style layout with a checkmark icon, title, description, and an optional tooltip. It supports light and dark themes, customizable icons, and can optionally act as a card or a simple list item.


titleString''trueThe title text displayed in the component.
descriptionString''falseA brief description displayed under the title.
darkModeBooleanfalsefalseEnables dark mode styling.
icon'hollow' | 'darkbg'nullfalseDetermines the icon style: hollow or dark background.
cardBooleanfalsefalseEnables card styling with borders and background.
tooltipString''falseOptional tooltip text displayed when hovering over the title section.


Used for the content inside the VTooltip component when the tooltip prop is enabled.

Slot NameDescription
contentSlot for rendering custom HTML content inside the tooltip.

Example Usage



<script setup lang="ts">
import VCardCheckmarked from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardCheckmarked.vue';
    title="Task Completed"
    description="This task was successfully completed."
This task was successfully completed.

Not card


<script setup lang="ts">
import VCardCheckmarked from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardCheckmarked.vue';
    title="Task Completed"
    description="This task was successfully completed."
This task was successfully completed.

Icon darkbg


<script setup lang="ts">
import VCardCheckmarked from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardCheckmarked.vue';
    title="Task Completed"
    description="This task was successfully completed."
This task was successfully completed.



<script setup lang="ts">
import VCardCheckmarked from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardCheckmarked.vue';
<div style="padding: 40px; background-color: black;">
    title="Task Completed"
    description="This task was successfully completed."
This task was successfully completed.



<script setup lang="ts">
import VCardCheckmarked from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardCheckmarked.vue';
<div style="padding: 40px; background-color: black;">
    title="Task Completed"
    description="This task was successfully completed."
    tooltip="Some tooltip text"
This task was successfully completed.



The VSectionCardCheckmarkedGrid component is a versatile grid layout component designed for presenting content in two, three, or five-column layouts. It is customizable and works seamlessly with the VCardCheckmarked and VSection components to display structured data.


  • Dynamic Layouts: Supports two, three, or five-column layouts based on the number of items in the data prop.
  • Integrated Design: Combines the VSection component for consistent section styling.
  • Customizable Slots: Includes slots for additional content like infoShort.


The component accepts the following props:

Prop NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescription
dataArrayundefinedYesArray of objects containing the title and description for each card.
titleStringundefinedNoTitle of the section.
subtitleStringundefinedNoSubtitle of the section.
linkHrefStringundefinedNoURL for the section's call-to-action link.
linkTextStringundefinedNoText for the call-to-action link.

data Object Structure

The data array should follow this structure:

interface ICardCheckmarkedGrid {
  title: string;      // The title of the card
  description: string; // The description of the card


  • infoShort: Slot for adding additional short information to the section header.

Example Usage

Two-Column Layout

<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionCardCheckmarkedGrid from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VSectionCardCheckmarkedGrid.vue';

const data = [
  { title: 'Feature 1', description: 'Description for feature 1' },
  { title: 'Feature 2', description: 'Description for feature 2' }

    title="Our Features"
    subtitle="Discover what we offer"
    linkText="Explore More"

Our Features

Discover what we offer

Explore More
Description for feature 1
Description for feature 2

Five-Column Layout

<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionCardCheckmarkedGrid from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VSectionCardCheckmarkedGrid.vue';

const data = [
  { title: 'Feature 1', description: 'Description for feature 1' },
  { title: 'Feature 2', description: 'Description for feature 2' },
  { title: 'Feature 3', description: 'Description for feature 3' },
  { title: 'Feature 4', description: 'Description for feature 4' },
  { title: 'Feature 5', description: 'Description for feature 5' }

    title="Our Features"
    subtitle="Discover what we offer"
    linkText="Explore More"
    <template #infoShort>
      Short introductory text about the features.
Short introductory text about the features.
Description for feature 1
Description for feature 2
Description for feature 3
Description for feature 4
Description for feature 5


The VSectionCardCheckmarkedGridSubtitle component is a sectioned layout designed to display two groups of checkmarked cards, one for investors and one for administrators. It utilizes the VSection component for the section layout and the VCardCheckmarked component to display each item with a title and description.


Prop NameTypeRequiredDescription
functionsLeftICardCheckmarked[]YesAn array of objects representing functions for investors. Each object contains title and description.
functionsRightICardCheckmarked[]YesAn array of objects representing functions for administrators. Each object contains title and description.
titleStringNoThe title of the section.
subtitleLeftStringNoThe title of the left subtitle.
subtitleRightStringNoThe title of the right subtitle.


  • infoShort (optional) - A named slot that can be used to display additional information at the top of the section, just before the checkmarked cards.

Usage Example

  title="Platform Features"
  subtitleLeft="Left title"
  subtitleRight="Right title"

Platform Features

Left title

Access and view detailed financial reports.
Monitor the performance of your investments.

Right title

Add and remove platform users.
Create custom reports for your business.


The VSectionCardCheckmarkedList component displays a two-column layout, where the left side can include a title, subtitle, text, and a link, while the right side renders a list of checkmarked cards (VCardCheckmarked). It uses the VSectionTwoCol component for layout management.


Prop NameTypeRequiredDescription
titleStringNoThe title of the section.
subtitleStringNoThe subtitle of the section. Can include HTML content.
textStringNoAdditional text content for the section. Can include HTML content.
linkTextStringNoThe text for the link, displayed if linkUrl is provided.
linkUrlStringNoThe URL for the link, displayed if linkText is provided.
itemsArray<string[]>NoAn array of strings to be used as titles for the checkmarked cards (VCardCheckmarked).


  • left - This slot allows you to customize the content in the left column. If the default structure for the left column does not meet your needs, you can provide custom content for this section.

  • right - This slot allows you to customize the content in the right column. If the default checkmarked card structure does not meet your needs, you can use this slot to provide custom content for the right column.


  :title="'Features of the Platform'"
  :subtitle="'Explore the benefits available to all users'"
  :text="'The platform offers a variety of tools and resources to help users achieve their goals.'"
  :linkText="'Learn More'"
  :items="['Feature 1', 'Feature 2', 'Feature 3']"

Features of the Platform

Explore the benefits available to all users
Learn More

The platform offers a variety of tools and resources to help users achieve their goals.

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