

The VCardPrimary component displays a primary card with a customizable header, body, and footer. It supports a variety of props and slots to manage its content, making it flexible for different use cases, such as displaying case studies or articles.


dataICardPrimary (Object)Contains the card's data including type, imageType, bodyImg, title, subtitle, text, and url.Required
descriptionWithHtmlBooleanIf set to true, the text content will be rendered as HTML. If false, HTML tags will be stripped.false
ellipsisBooleanIf set to true, the text content will be truncated with an ellipsis if it's too long.false

ICardPrimary Interface

The ICardPrimary interface defines the structure of the data prop.

typestringThe type of card (e.g., "Fintech", "Blockchain", etc.). Used for setting the icon and style.null
imageTypestringThe URL for a custom icon to be displayed next to the type.null
bodyImgstringThe URL of an image to be displayed in the card's footer.null
titlestringThe title of the card.null
subtitlestringThe subtitle of the card.null
textstringThe body text of the card.Required
urlstringThe URL the card links to. If provided, the card becomes a link.null


  • buttonText: Allows customization of the button text inside the footer.


    type: 'Fintech',
    title: 'Exploring Fintech Innovations',
    subtitle: 'How new technologies are reshaping finance',
    text: 'Fintech has been disrupting traditional banking models. In this article, we explore key innovations...',
    url: '/use-cases/fintech'
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