

The Card Features component in UiKit provides a flexible way to create feature cards with optional button interactions. It supports various element types through the tag prop and can include a customizable button with an icon.


To add the Card Features component, start by importing it into your Vue file:

import VCardFeatures from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardFeatures';

Place the component in your template like this:

    buttonText="Learn More"
    <h3>Feature Title</h3>
    <p>Feature description goes here.</p>


  buttonText: String,
  href: String,
  to: Object,
  • tag: Defines the HTML element to render (div, a, or router-link). Default is div.
  • buttonText: (Optional) The text for the button. If provided, a button will be displayed.
  • href: (Optional) The URL string for external navigation. Used when the tag is a.
  • to: (Optional) The Vue Router route object for internal navigation. Used when the tag is router-link.

Button Integration

If the buttonText prop is provided, a button will appear at the bottom of the card with the specified text and an icon. The button is styled as a link variant, making it suitable for various use cases.

    buttonText="View Details"
    :to="{ name: 'FeatureDetails' }"
    <h3>Feature Title</h3>
    <p>This feature allows you to...</p>

Complete Example

Here’s a complete example of a Card Features component that uses all available props:

<script setup lang="ts">
import VCardFeatures from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VCardFeatures';

      buttonText="Get Started"
      <h3>Feature Title</h3>
      <p>This is a brief description of the feature.</p>


Feature Title

Additional usage

For creating a grid layout of feature cards, we provide a component named VSectionCardFeaturesGrid. This component serves as a wrapper for the VCardFeatures components, arranging them in a responsive grid layout. It is located at: ui-kit/src/components/VCard/VSectionCardFeaturesGrid.vue


The VSectionCardFeaturesGrid component combines a VSection container with a customizable grid layout for VCardFeatures items. It includes support for section titles, subtitles, a call-to-action button, and additional slot-based content.


The VSectionCardFeaturesGrid component accepts the following props:

Prop NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescription
titleStringundefinedNoTitle of the section.
subTitleStringundefinedNoSubtitle of the section.
itemsIVCardFeatures[]undefinedYesArray of feature card objects, each of which follows the IVCardFeatures interface.
buttonHrefStringundefinedNoURL for the section's call-to-action button.
buttonTextStringundefinedNoText for the section's call-to-action button.


The component supports the following slots:

  • infoShort: Slot for inserting additional short-form information displayed above the grid.

Grid Structure

The feature cards are displayed in a three-column grid layout using the is--three-col-grid class. The items prop is iterated to render each card as a VCardFeatures component.

Example Usage

<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionCardFeaturesGrid from 'UiKit/components/VCard/VSectionCardFeaturesGrid.vue';

const featureItems = [
  { title: 'Feature One', url: '#' },
  { title: 'Feature Two', url: '#' },
  { title: 'Feature Three', url: '#' },

    title="Our Features"
    sub-title="Explore the benefits of using our platform"
    button-text="See All Features"
    <template #infoShort>
      <p>Quick overview of the features we offer.</p>
Quick overview of the features we offer.
See All Features
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