Section Top

The VSectionTop component is designed to create a structured and visually appealing top section of a page. It leverages the VSection and VTopInfo components to provide flexibility in displaying content with optional slots for customization. Location: ui-kit/src/components/VSectionTop/VSectionTop.vue


titleStringThe main title of the section.
subtitleStringAn optional subtitle to provide additional context.
textStringThe main content or description for the section.
getInTouchUrlStringURL for the "Get in Touch" button.
tagTextStringText to be displayed in the associated tag or badge.
useCaseUrlStringURL for the "Learn More in Use Cases" button.


  • Default: Use this slot to insert custom content or override the default VTopInfo content.
  • right: Place additional content, such as images or supplementary information, to the right of the main content.

Example Usage

<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionTop from 'UiKit/components/VSectionTop/VSectionTop.vue';
    title="Welcome to Our Platform"
    subtitle="Discover the features and benefits of using our service."
    text="We provide cutting-edge solutions tailored to your needs."
    <template #right>
      <img src="/assets/images/example.jpg" alt="Example Image" />

Welcome to Our Platform

Discover the features and benefits of using our service.

We provide cutting-edge solutions tailored to your needs.

Example Image
Help Ukraine to stop russian aggression