Section Top Development Stages

The VSectionTopDevelopmentStages component is a specialized implementation of the VSectionTop component designed to present content related to development stages. It includes customizable background images, titles, and optional "Get in Touch" links for development-focused pages.


dataIDevelopmentStagesToptrueObject containing section content data.
topicStringfalseA string for appending a query parameter to URLs.

IDevelopmentStagesTop Interface

The data prop must follow the IDevelopmentStagesTop structure:

  • image (string): URL of the background image.
  • title (string): The title for the section.
  • isGetInTouch (boolean, optional): Determines whether the "Get in Touch" link is included.
  • class (string): CSS class for customizing the background image styling.

Example Usage

<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionTopDevelopmentStages from 'UiKit/components/VSectionTop/VSectionTopDevelopmentStages.vue';
      title: 'Our Development Stages',
      image: '/images/products/distributed-network-and-blockchain-development copy.svg',
      class: 'is--development-stages'

Development Stages

Products top background
Help Ukraine to stop russian aggression