Section Top Video

The VSectionTopVideo component creates a visually captivating hero section with optional video background, customizable content, and a call-to-action button.


titleStringfalseThe main title displayed in the section.
subTitleStringfalseSubtitle text, rendered as HTML.
textStringfalseIntroductory or descriptive text displayed above the title.
sliderArrayfalseOptional slider data (not implemented in the provided code).
videoSrcStringfalseSource URL for the video to be played in the background.
buttonHrefStringfalseURL for the call-to-action button.
buttonTextStringfalseText displayed on the call-to-action button.
contentClassStringfalseAdditional class applied to the content container.
fullHeightBooleanfalseSets the section height to fill the viewport.
videoCoverImageStringfalseURL for the fallback background image when the video is unavailable.


  1. Dynamic Content:

    • Title, subtitle, and descriptive text are customizable via props.
    • Optional slot for overriding content, including the button.
  2. Video Background:

    • Displays a looping, autoplaying, and muted video in the background.
    • Fallback image is used as the background if no video is provided.
  3. Call-to-Action Button:

    • Button can link to an external URL (buttonHref) and display an optional slot for content.

Content and Slots

The template is structured as follows:

  • Video Background: Positioned absolutely, styled to cover the entire section.
  • Content Section:
    • Displays text content, including title, text, and subTitle.
    • Includes an optional call-to-action button.
  • Slots:
    • Default: Custom content replacing the default structure.
    • buttonText: Custom content for the button text.

Example Usage

<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionTopVideo from 'UiKit/components/VSectionTop/VSectionTopVideo.vue';
import video from '@/assets/video/video-bg.mp4';
    title="Welcome to Our Platform"
    subTitle="Innovative Solutions for Modern Challenges"
    text="Explore how we can transform your business."
    buttonText="Get Started"
Explore how we can transform your business.

Welcome to Our Platform

Innovative Solutions for Modern Challenges

Get Started
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