Section About Us Midde

The VSectionAboutUsMiddle component is designed to display a section with a two-column layout that highlights information about a company. It includes a title, a list of items with optional action buttons, and an image.


Prop NameTypeRequiredDescription
dataIAboutUsMiddletrueAn object containing the section's data, including title, items, and background image.

IAboutUsMiddle Interface

The data prop should conform to the following structure:

export interface IAboutUsMiddle {
  title: string; // The main title of the section
  background: string; // The URL of the background image
  items: {
    title: string; // Title for each item
    text: string; // HTML content for the item description
    showCareersButton: boolean; // Whether to show the "Careers" button


  • infoShort: Slot for additional content displayed above the items list.


  • Two-Column Layout: Displays content on the left and an image on the right.
  • Dynamic Content: Accepts a data prop to render dynamic items and an image.


<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionAboutUsMiddle from 'UiKit/components/VSection/VSectionAboutUsMiddle.vue';

const sectionData = {
  title: 'About Our Company',
  background: '/images/about-us/middle.webp',
  items: [
      title: 'Our Mission',
      text: 'We aim to provide the best services for our customers.',
      showCareersButton: true,
      title: 'Our Vision',
      text: 'Innovating the future through cutting-edge solutions.',
      showCareersButton: false,

  <VSectionAboutUsMiddle :data="sectionData" />

About Our Company

Our Mission

We aim to provide the best services for our customers.

Our Vision

Innovating the future through cutting-edge solutions.

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