Section Two Col Image

The VSectionTwoColImage component is a flexible section component designed for a two-column layout with a wide range of customization options. It supports titles, subtitles, images, cards, captions, and more, making it suitable for complex content structures.


Prop NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescription
dataIShortTitleWithTwoColDataData[][]undefinedYesArray of two-column layout data objects to render content dynamically.
borderedBooleanfalseNoIf true, adds a border between rows of data.
titleStringundefinedNoTitle displayed at the top of the section.
subTitleStringundefinedNoSubtitle displayed below the title.
linkHrefStringundefinedNoURL for the section link.
linkTextStringundefinedNoText for the section link.

IShortTitleWithTwoColDataData Interface

export interface IShortTitleWithTwoColDataData {
  title?: string;
  subtitle?: string;
  isSubheading?: boolean;
  isCentered?: boolean;
  cardItems?: {
    tagText: string;
    text: string;
    tagColor: string;
  cardNumbered?: string[];
  imageBody?: string;
  imageSmallHeight?: boolean;
  captions?: {
    text: string;
    url?: string;
  mobileReverse?: boolean;


  • infoShort: Slot for additional short information displayed at the top of the section.


<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionTwoColImage from 'UiKit/components/VSection/VSectionTwoColImage.vue';
import bankBottom2 from '/images/digital-ecosystem/illustration-management_(4).svg?url';

const sectionData = [
      title: 'Column 1 Title',
      subtitle: 'This is a subtitle for the first column.',
      isSubheading: true,
      imageBody: bankBottom2,
      mobileReverse: false,
      title: 'Column 2 Title',
      subtitle: 'This is a subtitle for the second column.',
      isCentered: true,
      captions: [{ text: 'Caption 2' }, { text: 'Caption 1', url: '' }],

    title="Section Title"
    sub-title="Section Subtitle"
    linkText="Learn More"

Section Title

Section Subtitle

Learn More

Column 1 Title

This is a subtitle for the first column.

Column 2 Title

This is a subtitle for the second column.

Help Ukraine to stop russian aggression