Section Two Col

The VSectionTwoCol component is a layout component designed to create a two-column structure with customizable slots for left and right content. It also supports optional mobile reverse ordering.


Prop NameTypeDefaultRequiredDescription
titleStringundefinedNoTitle displayed at the top of the section.
rightISectionTwoColRightundefinedNoObject containing title and text for the right column.
mobileReverseBooleanfalseNoReverses the order of columns on mobile screens when set to true.

ISectionTwoColRight Interface

interface ISectionTwoColRight {
  title: string; // Title for the right column
  text: string;  // Text for the right column


  • default: Default slot for the main content, typically used to structure both left and right columns.
  • infoShort: Slot for additional short information displayed at the top of the section.
  • left: Slot specifically for the left column content.
  • right: Slot specifically for the right column content. Overrides the default right prop content.


<script setup lang="ts">
import VSectionTwoCol from 'UiKit/components/VSection/VSectionTwoCol.vue';

const rightData = {
  title: "Right Column Title",
  text: "This is some text content for the right column.",

    title="Two Column Layout"
    <template #left>
        <h3>Left Column Content</h3>
        <p>This is the left column.</p>

Two Column Layout

Left Column Content

This is the left column.

Right Column Title

This is some text content for the right column.

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