

The VAccordion component is a flexible and highly customizable accordion element built using the ShadCN Vue library (official documentation). It allows you to create collapsible and expandable sections, making it ideal for displaying content like FAQ lists, dropdowns, and structured information in an interactive way.

This component is composed of several subcomponents, each with a specific role in managing different parts of the accordion:

  • AccordionRoot: The root container that wraps the entire accordion.
  • AccordionItem: Represents a single item in the accordion, containing both a header and content.
  • AccordionHeader: The header section that contains the title and trigger button.
  • AccordionTrigger: The clickable element that controls the open/close state of the accordion item.
  • AccordionContent: The content section that appears or disappears based on the expanded state of the accordion item.

These components are located in the path: ui-kit/src/components/Base/VAccordion.


The VAccordion component inherits props from the ShadCN library, which offers flexibility to control various aspects of the accordion's behavior. You can find a complete list of the props in the official ShadCN documentation.

Additionally, the VAccordionTrigger component includes a custom prop that is specific to the UiKit integration:

  • isWhite: A prop that modifies the background color and box shadow of the trigger button when the accordion item is expanded.


For an easy-to-use accordion component in your project, the VAccordionList component provides a styled wrapper around the base accordion components. It is designed to manage a list of items with titles and descriptions.

The VAccordionList component is located in the ui-kit/src/components/VAccordion/VAccordionList.vue file, and here's an example of how it's structured:

<script setup lang="ts">
import {
  VAccordionItem, VAccordion, VAccordionContent, VAccordionTrigger,
} from 'UiKit/components/Base/VAccordion';
import { PropType } from 'vue';

interface IVAccordionListDefault {
  title: string;
  description: string;

  data: Array as PropType<IVAccordionListDefault[]>,

    class="VAccordionListDefault v-accordion-list-default"
      v-for="(item, idx) in data"
        class="v-accordion-list-default__title is--h4__title"
        {{ item.title }}
        class="v-accordion-list-default__content is--body"
        <p v-html="item.description" />

<style lang="scss">
.v-accordion-list-default {
  &__content {
    color: $gray-80;

Key Features

  • Single Accordion Mode: The type="single" prop ensures that only one accordion item can be expanded at a time.
  • Collapsible Option: The collapsible prop allows users to collapse all items, making the accordion behavior more flexible.
  • Custom Styling: The VAccordionList component supports custom styling for the titles and content. For instance, the description content is styled with a specific gray color for readability.

The VAccordionList makes it easy to display a list of accordion items with dynamically generated content, ensuring both flexibility and ease of use.


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