The following colors are defined in the ui-kit/src/styles/_colors.scss
Color Name | Hex Value | Example |
$primary | #004FFF | |
$primary-light | #F0F4FF | |
$primary-dark | #0042D4 | |
Color Name | Hex Value | Example |
$secondary | #3DDC97 | |
$secondary-light | #D9FFEE | |
$secondary-dark | #36BE83 | |
Color Name | Hex Value | Example |
$red | #FF7070 | |
$red-dark | #FF3B3B | |
$red-light | #FFF1F1 | |
$purple | #6F3DFD | |
$purple-dark | #5014D0 | |
$purple-light | #F8F5FF | |
$yellow | #FFC24D | |
$yellow-dark | #F1AF32 | |
$yellow-light | #FFF7E8 | |
$white | #FFFFFF | |
$black | #12161F | |
Color Name | Hex Value | Example |
$gray-10 | #F8F9FA | |
$gray-20 | #E9ECEF | |
$gray-30 | #DEE2E6 | |
$gray-40 | #CED4DA | |
$gray-50 | #ADB5BD | |
$gray-60 | #6C757D | |
$gray-70 | #495057 | |
$gray-80 | #343A40 | |
$gray-90 | #1A202D | |
These colors can be used throughout the UI Kit to maintain a consistent design. You can also set background color using classes: .is--background-red
or .is--background-...
put variable name instead of ...
. The same is about color: .is--color-...
The following typography styles are defined in the ui-kit/src/styles/components/_typography.scss
Class Name | Font Size | Line Height | Font Weight | Example |
.is--h1__title | 50px | 75px | 900 | Example H1 |
.is--h2__title | 36px | 54px | 900 | Example H2 |
.is--h3__title | 24px | 36px | 900 | Example H3 |
.is--h4__title | 20px | 30px | 800 | Example H4 |
.is--h5__title | 16px | 24px | 800 | Example H5 |
.is--h6__title | 14px | 21px | 800 | Example H6 |
Class Name | Font Size | Line Height | Font Weight | Example |
.is--display | 100px | 100px | 900 | Display |
.is--subheading-1 | 24px | 36px | 350 | Subheading 1 |
.is--subheading-2 | 20px | 30px | 350 | Subheading 2 |
.is--body | 16px | 26px | 400 | Body |
.is--body-italic | 16px | 26px | 400 | Body Italic |
.is--small | 12px | 18px | 500 | Small |
.is--small-2 | 12px | 18px | 800 | Small 2 |
These typography classes can be used throughout the UI Kit to maintain a consistent design.