

The following colors are defined in the ui-kit/src/styles/_colors.scss file:

Primary Colors

Color NameHex ValueExample

Secondary Colors

Color NameHex ValueExample

Additional Colors

Color NameHex ValueExample

Gray Scale

Color NameHex ValueExample

These colors can be used throughout the UI Kit to maintain a consistent design. You can also set background color using classes: .is--background-red or .is--background-...put variable name instead of .... The same is about color: .is--color-...


The following typography styles are defined in the ui-kit/src/styles/components/_typography.scss file:


Class NameFont SizeLine HeightFont WeightExample
.is--h1__title50px75px900Example H1
.is--h2__title36px54px900Example H2
.is--h3__title24px36px900Example H3
.is--h4__title20px30px800Example H4
.is--h5__title16px24px800Example H5
.is--h6__title14px21px800Example H6

Additional Classes

Class NameFont SizeLine HeightFont WeightExample
.is--subheading-124px36px350Subheading 1
.is--subheading-220px30px350Subheading 2
.is--body-italic16px26px400Body Italic
.is--small-212px18px800Small 2

These typography classes can be used throughout the UI Kit to maintain a consistent design.

Help Ukraine to stop russian aggression